Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
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Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
We live in a time when we are told that disaster lies ahead for us and for our planet if we do not change our ways. But perhaps this new awareness can be a prelude to us changing our ways? The gospel was written to give hope to Christians in danger. What gives you hope amid the dangers facing our world today?
Our church community is also in crisis. The numbers of people attending church services have dropped. We have fewer clergy and religious. Scandals have rocked the church community.
What helps you to keep faith in such circumstances?
This passage can be taken as a metaphor for personal experiences when it seemed that your world was collapsing around you: plans thwarted, deep disappointment, something out of your control altering the course of your life, etc.? When have such experiences been a prelude to something new? Allow the dramatic language of the passage remind you of this experience, making sure that you recognise the double movement of collapse and liberation.
Jesus himself is the model in this gospel story as he taught his disciples the spiritual of "waiting in joyful hope". What difference has watchfulness (in the sense of being watchful in prayer) and hope made to you in facing difficult situations?
Advent is a time that calls us to be alert to the signs of the hidden presence of God? Have there been occasions when something woke you up in an unexpected way to the presence of God in the world, e.g. Through love, beauty, nature, etc?
Published Fri 29th Nov 2024 23:31:10
Last Modified on Fri 29th Nov 2024 23:31:10