Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - John 6: 51-58
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John 6: 51-58
Jesus tells us that to have life we need more than physical nourishment. How have you been aware of deeper hungers? What has met that deeper longing in you?
Jesus tells us that it is not just something he gives us which will give us life, but himself in his life, death and resurrection. How has your faith in the person of Jesus fed you?
Jesus speaks about ‘drawing life' from him. In day to day living what are the practices which support your faith and help you to draw life from Jesus?
The Eucharist is one of the ways in which we draw life from Jesus. Recall with gratitude how the Eucharist has been a source of nourishment and life for you.
Perhaps you can also think of human examples of people drawing life from one another.
From whom have you drawn life? Who has been able to draw life from you?
Published Fri 16th Aug 2024 21:38:32
Last Modified on Fri 16th Aug 2024 21:38:32