Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Mark 14:1-15:47
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Mark 14:1-15:47
The injustice and brutality of the Passion of Jesus make it a difficult story to read as good news. Yet in the midst of that cruelty the courageous, faithful, and self-sacrificing love that Jesus showed for us shines through. Recall moments when the account of the Passion has moved you in a special way.
How have you experienced blessing through it?
Human love can also be painful. When have you experienced the courage, fidelity, and self-sacrifice of others, as a parent, a spouse, or a friend, or in some other relationship?
We read the Passion story in the light of the resurrection. What seemed a humiliating and shameful failure for Jesus was not the end of the story. Perhaps with hindsight you can look back on something in your own life that seemed like a tragedy at the time but out of that tragedy new life and new possibilities followed for you.
For each of us there arise situations in which we feel things are outside our control and we are utterly helpless and powerless. We are not alone in this experience. In his Passion Jesus is one with us in this human helplessness. When have you found that the presence of another with you helped you through a crisis? When have you been able to help another with your presence?
Published Sat 23rd Mar 2024 08:38:17
Last Modified on Sat 23rd Mar 2024 08:38:17