The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Matthew 10:26-33

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‘Do not fear' is the unifying theme in this passage which is set in the context of a mission sermon by Jesus, preparing his disciples for what lay ahead. He urges them to have courage in speaking his message and living his message, drawing strength from their trust in the Father whose care for us exceeds his care for hundreds of sparrows. How has trust in God been a source of strength in life for you?

The body/soul terminology presupposes an anthropology in which the soul represents one's real self and the body is the perishable shell. For Jesus the important thing is to be true to one's real self, even if this does involve some material or physical loss or pain. When you have had that kind of courage, what was it like for you?

There is no such thing as secret discipleship. It is in declaring their allegiance to Jesus that his followers will find life. They will be the losers if they hide their discipleship. Does this resonate with your experience?

Published Sat 24th Jun 2023 15:48:59
Last Modified on Thu 29th Jun 2023 19:44:03

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