Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Luke 18:9-14
Read 395 Times
Luke 18:9-14
We are often defensive in our relationships with others. We are reluctant to let another see us as we see ourselves. Occasionally we meet someone with whom we can be totally open and know we will be accepted. With whom have you had that kind of a relationship? What was it like for you to have that freedom?
Likewise with God, when we come to prayer pretending to be better than we are, we are hiding from God. What difference does it make when you pray to God, acknowledging your faults and limitations? Have you ever found that when you are humble in this way in prayer, God lifts you up?
The parable is also a cautionary tale against judging others negatively on the basis of externals. Perhaps God, who looks into the heart, sees them differently. When have you discovered there was more to another person than the negative picture you got from first impressions?
What lessons did you learn for yourself from this?
Published Sat 22nd Oct 2022 09:30:08
Last Modified on Sat 22nd Oct 2022 09:30:08