The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels John 14:15-6.23-26

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John 14:15-6.23-26

1. ‘If you love me you will keep my commandments', and specifically the commandment to love one another (cf. 13.34). How have you experienced the link between love of God and love of those around you?

2. To his followers Jesus promises ‘we will come and make our home with them'. Our God is not a distant God but one who lives in us. What has helped you to be aware of the closeness of God to you?

3. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his imminent departure and for a future in which he would be with them in a different way. He would not ‘leave them orphans' but send an ‘Advocate' to ‘be with (them) for ever'. How have you experienced the presence of God with you in your life?

4. Jesus seeks to reassure his followers in the face of his imminent death.
Although he will be leaving them he promises them the gift of the Spirit. How have you been aware of the gift of the Spirit of God in your life?

Published Sat 4th Jun 2022 00:14:53
Last Modified on Sat 4th Jun 2022 00:17:43

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