The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - John 21: 1-14

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John 21: 1-14

The disciples spend a fruitless night fishing and catching nothing. Things change dramatically when Jesus appears and invites them to try again. Remember those who came to you and encouraged you to try again when you felt discouraged. Perhaps on some of these occasions the results were beyond your expectations. Some people view the synodal process proposed by Pope Francis as a futile exercise, and others see it as an opportunity for renewal and growth. What have you seen or heard that encourages you to engage in the process?

The story can serve as a reminder that sometimes we are wasting our time if we try to work on our own without the Lord's help. When have you found that your work or life was more fruitful when you acknowledged that you needed God's help and you spoke to God about your need?

Peter is given the chance to be fully reconciled with his Master after his denial during the Passion.

Remember those who have given you an opportunity for reconciliation after you had hurt them or let them down. What was it like for you to be given this chance? To whom have you offered the possibility of reconciliation?

Published Fri 29th Apr 2022 23:28:58
Last Modified on Fri 29th Apr 2022 23:28:58

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