The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - John 18: 33-37

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John 18: 33-37

1. The feast we have today, and the gospel, give us an opportunity to reflect on the different ways in which we, and others, exercise influence and leadership. The authority of Pilate came from position and power. The authority of Jesus came from his integrity and what he stood for. Recall leaders you have known whose influence was like that of Jesus (teachers, community leaders, family members).

2. The values of the kingdom of God cannot be imposed. It is never a matter of fighting battles, or forcing others into compliance. Perhaps through experience you have learned the limitations of the use of force, as a parent, a teacher, a group leader. What has been the good news, the learnings for you, in this?

3. Jesus came to bear witness to the truth and we are all created for a purpose. Who are today's witnesses to truth in the world? Who are the people whose witness to truth has impressed you, either now or in the past? In what way have you been able to be a witness to truth? What was it like for you to be such a witness?

Published Sat 20th Nov 2021 20:15:49
Last Modified on Sat 20th Nov 2021 20:15:49

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