Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - John 10:11-18
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John 10:11-18
1. Our relationship with those ‘in charge' of us changes when we sense that not only are they in charge, but they care. Remember the difference this made for you as a child, and give thanks for the caring adults who were part of your life.
2. The good shepherd ‘lays down his life for the sheep'. When has your care for another led you to ‘lay down your life' for that person, e.g., as a friend, parent, spouse, son or daughter? When you have known another to do this for you?
3. Jesus speaks of the freedom of the Good Shepherd in laying down his life. Faced with the needs of others, we can at times feel trapped into looking after them, caught by duty, obligation, or guilt. We can become like the hired hands doing a job without care for the person. Perhaps you have experienced both attitudes, caring for others under duress and caring by your free choice. What difference did it make when you chose to care for the other, even in circumstances where you had little option?
4. What do these experiences of love and care in human relationships reveal to you about God's love for you?
Published Sat 24th Apr 2021 00:12:45
Last Modified on Sat 24th Apr 2021 00:12:45