The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Matthew 20: 1 - 16

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Matthew 20: 1 - 16

1. ‘I was there first'. Envy easily comes to the surface when faced with the good fortune of others, especially when compared to what seems less favourable treatment of ourselves. Can you recall that feeling in yourself and what it did to you? Can you also recall times when you were content with your lot, even though it seemed others had greater gifts, better opportunities, etc.

2. A parent or teacher who gives a lot of time to a difficult child does not love the others less, but if we are one of those other children we may not see that. Recall a ‘Jesus person' in your life who helped you to overcome feelings of envy and helped you appreciate that the apparently more favourable treatment of another did not mean a lessening of love for you.

3. This leads us to the core message of this parable, namely, that God's love is a free gift, and not earned. Recall moments when you were particularly conscious of the gifts that God has given you by counting all the blessings that you have, no matter how small.

4. ‘It is too late now' are words sometimes uttered to justify doing nothing about a situation. This parable tells us that where love is involved, it is never too late. Can you recall times when you got a positive response after taking action when you thought it was ‘too late'?

Published Sat 19th Sep 2020 14:18:40
Last Modified on Sat 19th Sep 2020 14:38:45

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