Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Luke 24: 13-35
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Luke 24: 13-35
1. Jesus joined the despondent disciples and listened to them. 'We had hoped....' When you have been upset or disappointed, who has joined you along the road? To whom have you been able to pour out your heart? Who was a ‘Jesus person' to you, listening to you in respectful silence? To whom have you been a Jesus person?
2. Jesus then helps them to see things in another light, by opening the scriptures to them. When did you have the experience of finding your heart ‘burning within you' with new hope for the future? Who or what helped you to change after a setback?
3. The disciples invite Jesus to join them at the table; then there follows a recognition of who he is. We meet many people on the road of life. Usually we meet and pass on. Occasionally we meet someone whom we invite into our homes, into our hearts, in a deeper way. In what way, in such relationships, have you experienced the presence of God or of Jesus?
4. After Jesus had gone, the disciples went to bring the good news to others. When have you met others who told you what happened to them along their road? What effect did this sharing have on you? When have you done this with others? When was such a conversation ‘good news' for you or others?
Published Sat 25th Apr 2020 02:31:32
Last Modified on Sat 25th Apr 2020 02:41:37