Parish Pastoral Council for Saint John Henry Newman 3rd February 2020
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The meeting started with a Prayer by Carol Daley.
Apologies: Denise Cavell, Angela Horgan and Deacon Henry Longbottom day off.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.
Action from the previous meeting
CAFOD Live Simply Scheme: Add an idea / suggestion to the bulletin each week. Fr Pat produced a banner and caption for the bulletin each week. A suggestion was that the list of 100 ideas could be given out to everyone rather than on the bulletin and handed out as people leave. Carol volunteered to prepare the handout.
PPC - AGM 2018/19
Annual statistics have been collated for the Diocese and send by the 31st January. The annual attendance at weekend Masses for year ending December 2019 was 820. Should we have 7 Masses for this number of attendances? This number is our only way of gauging how many people we have in the parish. This to add to the agenda for the next meeting to spend more time on this matter. (Action point ongoing)
Corpus Christi Picture -Fr Pat recently visited the club and saw the picture hanging. Fr Pat has photo'd our 2 pictures and sent theses to the Art & Architecture person at the Diocese to ask them to come and look at the pictures. Suggestion that the pictures we have in the church be looked at we know if this is worth moving forward or we could offer to pursue the picture held by the club. (Action point PW)
Started preparation for 2020:
Confirmation 11th February 2020:
Over 70 candidates will be confirmed in the Parish by Bishop Marcus.
Reconciliation 2020:
86 children are registered for the Reconciliation preparation programme which starts week commencing 24th February. The Sacrament of reconciliation will take place on 28th March 2020 in Corpus Christi.
First Holy Communion 2020:
Parents letters will be sent out to year 4 children in both primary schools in February inviting them to a meeting in March. First Holy Communions will take place in the Parish on the 7th 14th & 21st June 2020
The 3 ladies who have prepared families for Baptism for the last 8 years now wish to step down. We are looking for other to continue this work. Fr Pat thanked them for their time and service to this Sacrament.
RCIA Journey in Faith
We have 6 people to be received fully into the Church at Easter. They will be at St Anne's Cathedral on the 1st March for the Rite of Election by Bishop Marcus.
Children's Liturgy
Minutes of the recent meeting held by the Children Liturgy catechists.
A programme of dates of services which the children will be involved as sent from the recent meeting.
It is hoped that the schools will be involved and also advertise Mass times in their weekly newsletters.
A suggestion was to have a Mass at the sacrament preparation but it was discussed that this would be too long.
Regular Masses are held in the primary schools.
How can we evangelise the parents of the young children to bring them to Church.
We have a school community and a parish community. How can we get these to work together?
Could a priest stand at the school gate to greet the parents when they drop off or collect their children?
Clergy to attend parents evening or open days.
Children on year 4 are growing up and have other activates and would rather do these and not attend Mass.
Lent 2020
Stations of the Cross 5 Friday evening on 5 different themes.
Morning prior to the 9.30am Mass Stations of the Cross at St Gregory's & Corpus Christi once each week.
Children's Station of the Cross 28th February.
Good Friday International Stations of the Cross suggestion of a diversity of the many different communities within our Parish.
We will need to approach people from the different backgrounds.
Wednesday evening Holy Hour with a small reflection finishing with Benediction.
Week of Guided Prayer 10th - 16th May
People will be invited to register to take part in a week guided prayer. Prayer sponsors will be allocated and you will be invited to pray with them for 20 to 30 minutes a day. More details to follow via leaflets & bulletin.
Deacon Henry Longbottom Ordination
30th May at St Anne's Cathedral at 11am. His first Mass will be on the 31st May at Corpus Christi Church at 10.30am.
Toilet Twinning
Part of the Living Simply system. You agree to raise money by twinning one your toilets. We would have to raise £1k.
Can we reach out to the many groups in the Parish or during Lent in the Parish?
It was suggested that we are interested and look at how we can get involved for the future not now due to the many involvement we have with other appeals. (Action point for agenda for the next meeting)
Fr Pat informed the meeting of the many collections we already have in the diary. Sudan by the SVP 15th / 16th February, CAFOD Family Fast Day 7th / 8th March and LEPRA appeal 18th / 19th July along with the many other second collections as laid down by the Diocese. We don't want to keep going to the same well for funds.
Home & Overseas donations:
This was agreed with Bishop Arthur back in the year 2000 with the former Parish of St Theresa's. After the Parish amalgamated with Corpus Christi & ST Gregory's Parishes for St John Henry Newman Parish it continued for a few years but it was agreed at a previous PPC meeting this should be stopped due to the many collections and one off requests for financial support.
The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.15pm. Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Alison Armitage.
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council - MONDAY 4th May 2020
Proposed dates for 2020 -
Monday 4th May
Monday 6th July
Monday 5th October
Holy Hour & Social for the PPC Members
Published Mon 10th Feb 2020 13:15:48
Last Modified on Fri 21st Feb 2020 09:18:55