Seeing Your Life through the Lens of the Gospels - Matthew 4:12-23
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Matthew 4:12-23
1. ‘The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light' ... Jesus applies this to himself and his message. Who have been the Jesus people who have been a source of light to you? Have you been such a light for others?
2. His message was a call to repentance, to a change of attitude toward God, from seeing God as one to be feared, to seeing God as a God of love. When have you heard that call in your life? What was it like for you?
3. Jesus invited disciples to join him in his mission. In responding, the disciples ‘left their nets' to follow Jesus. Sometimes we have to disentangle ourselves from other things to give ourselves freely and wholeheartedly to a commitment. Have you experienced being ‘enmeshed' and being free? Where did you find life?
4. In v. 23 we have a summary of the ministry of Jesus - ‘proclaiming the good news of the kingdom' and witnessing to this by teaching and healing. Who have been the people you have known who have witnessed to the ‘kingdom', the reign of God in our world? What have been the signs that accompanied their witness? When have you done this yourself?
Published Sat 25th Jan 2020 09:57:04
Last Modified on Sat 25th Jan 2020 09:58:54