Regular Activities
Children's Liturgy
- Corpus Christi at the 10.30am Mass on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.
- St Gregory's at the 9.00am Mass Cancelled until September
- St Theresa's at the 10.15am Mass Cancelled until September
- St. Theresa's Youth Club
Fridays, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Newman Centre hall. Any queries please contact Teresa on 07910213758
- Uniform Groups:
All sections open to boys and girls
Brownies Tuesday. Contact Nikki 07745631886
Beavers Wednesday 6.00 - 7.15pm age 6 -8 years
Cubs Monday 6.30 - 7.45pm age 8 - 101/2 years
Scouts Monday 7.45 - 9.15pm age 101/2 - 141/2 years
Contact Andy Pound 07718 046675 email
- Tea & Coffee after Mass
EVERY Sunday morning after 10.15am Mass at St. Theresa's
EVERY Sunday morning after 9.00am Mass at St. Gregory's
Last Sunday of the month at Corpus Christi after the 10:30 am Mass
- Retirement Group -
Mondays, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Newman Centre.
- SJHN Parish Food Facility
Boxes in each church porch for non-perishable food items.
- Gospel Discussion Group - First Friday of the month at 3pm. All welcome
- St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) St John Henry Newman Conference
If you or someone you know would benefit from a visit for a friendly chat or to talk about something that's troubling you, then our SVP group in the parish might be able to help. You can call in confidence for all sorts of help - practical as well as emotional - on 07851167603. You might hear a recorded message but if you leave a name and number, someone will call you back. Alternatively you can email in confidence .
We are also always looking to attract new members so if you are interested in joining, please also make contact via email or phone as above and one of the team will get back to you.
- Knights of St. Columba
Third Tuesday of the month in the Newman Centre, 7:30 pm.
- Journey & Faith
By appointment with Fr Pat in the Newman Centre lounge.
- St. Gregory's Credit Union
Should you have a query or request, please telephone 07761 081338, leave a message and someone will get back to you.
St. Gregory's - After both weekend Masses. Office open Tuesdays, 9:30 am to 10:30 am
St. Theresa's - Monday 1.00pm - 1.30pm in Newman centre
Corpus Christi - After the 10:30am Mass every Sunday in the Piety Room.
- LIFE Care Team RING National number 0808 8025433 (Freephone)
- Parent & Toddler Group
Mondays and Thursdays, 9:30 am to 11:30 am at St. Gregory's. Term time only.
Contact Lucy - Mob: 07884060459
- St. Theresa's Church Cleaners
Team A Thursday 16th January
Corpus Christi Church Cleaning
Thursday 16th January - Then 3rd Thursday each month after mass
St Gregory's Church cleaning
Last Modifed on Sat 9th Nov 2024 11:46:48