November – Month of The Holy Souls
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New white Envelopes for the
November Dead List are available in each church porch.
Please return your envelope with the Family Name and donation in the envelopes.
Names will then be on a list and placed near the altar during November.
Sunday 10th November - Remembrance Day - Mass 10.15am Mass will be the Uniform Groups Parade.
Deanery Visit to
Killingbeck Cemetery will be on Sunday 10th November at 2.30pm.
Memorial Masses for those who died in our parish during the year from November 18 - October 19 will be held in each church on the
17th November as follows:
9.15am St Gregory's
10.15am St Theresa's
10.30am Corpus Christi
Letters will be sent to all the next of kin inviting them to one of these Masses.
St Theresa's Scout Group Fund Raiser: St Theresa's Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are holding a
Fund Raising Event on Sunday 10th November 2019 following their Remembrance Sunday Church Parade. They will be having a Table Top Sale, with Tea, Coffee, cake & buns also available. The sale will start at 11.15am and will be held in The Newman Centre main hall until 1pm. It is with your generous support that the uniformed groups have managed to keep going for so long. The money raised will go towards replacing much needed camping equipment and other essential kit needed to run a very successful Scout Group. We look forward to seeing many of you there on the day as always, and we Thank You in anticipation for your full support for this event.
Published Sat 19th Oct 2019 08:49:49
Last Modified on Sat 19th Oct 2019 08:49:49