Get to know our Parish Saint – Who was Cardinal Newman?
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In our Twelfth Eleventh instalment of Newman's life, we examine Newman's crisis of faith..
Episode 12 - Newman's process towards sainthood (PART 2)
Cardinal Newman was beatified (made a "blessed") in 2010. But for him to be canonized (made a "saint") a second miracle was required. This came in the form of a healing experienced by an American lady named Melissa Villalobos. At the end of April 2013 Melissa discovered she was pregnant, but already by the 1 May, in the sixth week of her pregnancy, she began to experience loss of blood. On 8 May she visited with her obstetrician, who conducted an

ultrasound that revealed a subchorionic hematoma from bleeding from a torn placenta, but that the embryo had a normal heartbeat. On 15 May Melissa was aware that she was bleeding significantly. He invoked Blessed John Henry, saying "Please Cardinal Newman make the bleeding stop!" As soon as she had finished her sentence the bleeding stopped. After an initial investigation carried out by the archdiocese of Chicago, the account of the miracle was submitted to the Holy See in 2018. The theologians studying the case voted unanimously that the healing of Melissa Villalobos was a miracle performed by God through the intercession of Blessed John Henry Newman. The miracle was finally approved by Pope Francis on 13 February 2019 paving the way for the canonisation of Cardinal Newman. The ceremony will take place at St Peter's in Rome on 13th October.
Final episode
Published Sat 12th Oct 2019 09:05:54
Last Modified on Sat 12th Oct 2019 09:05:54