The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


Read 1163 Times

Fr Pat, Fr. Darren, Fr. Michael, Deacon Sean & Sr. Nora wish everyone a Happy & Peaceful Christmas. Keep safe & Take care.


When visiting the Crib in any of our 3 churches please consider donating to the "Friends of the Holy Land". Donation box at each church Crib.

Extra Confession: 2 priests will hear Confessions at St Thresa's on Saturday 10th - 17th - 24th December between 11am to 12noon.

Parish Christmas Card and window poster available in the church porch for each household. If you know of someone who can't get to church, please drop one into their letter box.

Advanced notice of Masses for the following week commencing
2nd January.

Monday 2nd January St Theresa's at 10.00am
Tuesday 3rd St Gregory's at 9.30am
Wednesday 4th St Theresa's at 9.30am
Thursday 5th Corpus Christi at 10.00am
Friday 6th Corpus Christi at 9.30am
Friday 6th St Theresa's at 12.00noon
Friday 6th St Gregory's at 7.00pm
Saturday 7th St Theresa's at 12.15pm

All offerings received at the Christmas Masses are for our 3 Clergy. A way we can show our appreciation to them. If you have 2 envelopes in your box, please just use the "Christmas offering" envelope, NOT both.

Published Fri 9th Aug 2019 11:13:27
Last Modified on Sat 24th Dec 2022 11:01:17

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