The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman - 13th May 2019

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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by June Lightfoot
Apologies: Sr. Nora on retreat and Deacon Sean Quigley who is ill.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.
Action from the previous meeting
"The art of accompaniment"
- Ben to bring some thoughts to the July meeting.
Mass count:
  • Continues for the near future. (Action point ongoing)

PPC - AGM 2018/19
Annual statistics have been collated for the Diocese and these will now be added to a handout. (Action point ongoing)
Commemorative Plaque: It has been request that a plaque be put into the chapel at Corpus Christi Church in honour of Monsignor Philip Holroyd. Fr Pat produces some wording for the plaque. It was suggested that we could consider naming the Chapel "The Monsignor Philip Holroyd Chapel". This will need to be referred to the Diocese Property Department for approval.
The wording was agreed with the PPC members present. (Action point PW)


First Holy Communion - Parents meetings have taken place and the preparation has started using the "I Belong Book" which they started to use last year for their First Reconciliation.
It was mentioned the I Belong book is very good for parents and children to use and covers both Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharistic very well. This should be referred back to Bishop as this will be less expensive to parishes.
Family Group: The video will be shown on 19th May at St Gregory's after Mass during tea & coffee. Ben & Chris to set up before Mass starts.
Family Poverty Workshop - A 5 week session will start on the 15th May at 7.30pm for about 90 minutes led by Sheelagh Pickles & Ann Tracey. Full details were in the last magazine.
Night - Shelter: We will again doing this project from the 21st - 28th October led by Tony Pickles. Planning meeting will be taking place soon.
Lent 2019 -
Lent was a prayerful time and also Holy Week celebrations. The number that attended the Good Friday service was low compared to 2018. It was said some were on holiday and also many have to work.
The Walk of Witness was well attended. It has been suggested that the time of leaving for 2020 should be 15 minutes later. It is moving when you see the groups from the other churches all arriving together.
Lenten Retreat was very helpful and has made a member look more into St John and the Book of Revelations.

PPC Holy Hour followed by Social - 18th June 7.15pm - Note change of time. Please let Mary know by 10 June if can't attend.

Canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman - No further details of when or place this may happen. It may be around his feast day which on 9th October but no details are available. We will continue to pray that this will be soon. A pilgrimage will be arranged for about 5 days to attend the Canonisation. The Parish has arranged a day pilgrimage to the Oratory in Birmingham on Sunday 22md September in preparation of the Canonisation.
There has been arranged a programme of events from Monday 23rd September to Thursday 26th September based on Blessed John Henry Newman.

Corpus Christi Picture - There was a discussion about a picture which hangs in the present working men's club to be returned to the church. This was originally in the old church. The Parish don't know how the picture was given to the club, i.e. on loan or gifted. It is now suggested that the PPC contact the former OMI Fathers who used to run the parish of Corpus Christi to see if they can give any light on this matter. It is suggested that contact them as soon as possible Ben to get the mobile number of Fr Tom and make contact. (Action point PW)

- It has been suggested that because of something that has happened the Parish Facebook be closed down subject to review. (Action point PW)
St Theresa's Primary School special outdoor Mass to celebrate the closure of the school is Sunday 14th July at 10am. More
details to follow about this celebration. (Action point PW)
Days for meeting - Consider the day for future meetings.
The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.01pm. Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Ben Science
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council - Tuesday 16th July 2019

Proposed dates for 2019 - Tuesday
17th September 2019
12th November 2019

Published Thu 16th May 2019 17:07:13
Last Modified on Thu 16th May 2019 19:36:57

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