The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Family Poverty: A Diocese Acts

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Wednesday 15th May 7:30pm &
the following four Wednesdays
Newman Centre Lounge

These five workshops get behind the headlines in the media to help us understand and explore.
  • The reasons why people are living in poverty
  • The impact on people's lives

  • 08.1 family povertyThese are workshops - which means you have to do some work! It is not a series of talks but a set of guided discussions with some presentations, video clips, lots of interactive exercises and some background reading to take away from each workshop.

    These workshops have been organised by the Justice & Peace Commission to help people challenge the many myths about living in poverty and to inspire them to take further action.

    For further details please contact Sheelagh Pickles on 0113 2600844

Published Thu 16th May 2019 14:20:07
Last Modified on Thu 16th May 2019 14:25:41

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