St. Theresa’s Primary School
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New School! Well... there is the frame of a new school to look at for certain! Things have really moved on at a great pace since I last wrote to you back in December. There is a little bit of uncertainty at the moment about Interserve, which I am sure you have seen in the media, but I am assured by the Department for Education (who are funding the project!) that all will be well. We are still hoping for a September 2019 start in the new building so I will keep you posted as things progress. #excitingtimes
Previous Staff, pupils and parents: There has been a great deal of interest shown in the old building by past pupils, parents and staff who all share a common love for the old school. Lots of teachers have worked here and many gone on to successful careers as Heads, senior leaders and the like. I have had a couple of consultations with one such past staff member, Gerry O'Kane, and he and I are working towards a joint cele- bration of the school on Sunday, 14 July 2019. I will give more details closer to the time but it will involve a celebration of Holy Mass followed by guided tours of the building and light refreshments. Watch this space.
Sporting Success: We continue to enjoy much sporting success in our school; we are very blessed to have such talented (and hard-working) children and staff. We have won the Sportshall Athletics city-wide title for the 3rd time in 5 years in 2019 and we will represent Leeds at the West Yorkshire finals on Tues, 19 March 2019. Our Y11 girls X-country team are also county champions for the 3rd year running (U9s, U10s and now U11s!) and one of our girls has made it through to represent WY at the National finals... well done Tilly. The Y4s have also won the local heat of the skipping for the first time in a very long time too! We are also still in the Bishop's Cup! #teamtheresas
Mrs Grady and Mrs Rowbottom: I am certain that by now you will have heard the news on the parish jungle drums that Mrs Grady has secured her first headship at St Patrick's CPS on Torre Road. We are devastated to be losing her but wish her well in her new venture. Mrs Rowbottom has also indicated her intention to retire this summer. Both these stalwarts will be very sorely missed in our school!
Until next time, yours in Christ;
John Hutchinson, Head
Published Thu 16th May 2019 12:10:02
Last Modified on Thu 16th May 2019 12:10:02