The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


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Luke 5:1-11

1. Jesus invites Peter to put out the net again, and Peter does so though he thinks it pointless. When have you felt it was pointless to stick with a task, but did so nonetheless and been surprised by results? We never know when our efforts are going to bear fruit.

2. ‘Push out into the deep.' The invitation is to go out into unfamiliar waters, where we are not sure what will happen, where we feel uneasy and our safety is not assured. When have you responded positively to that kind of an invitation and got positive results you did not expect?

3. The story gives us a glimpse of what prepared the disciples to follow Jesus. They were helped by the compassion and concern of Jesus (who cured Peter's mother-in-law); attracted by his work and teaching; and witnessed the power of God at work through him. This led them to ‘leave everything and follow him'. What has been the story of key decisions or turning points in your life?
Who was Jesus for you in those situations?

Published Sat 9th Feb 2019 10:20:07
Last Modified on Sat 9th Feb 2019 10:20:07

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