Read 776 Times
Matthew 2:1-12
1. The magi came from the east, hoping to meet Jesus and guided by a star. On your life's journey what are the hopes that inspire you, and what stars guide your steps? Name them for yourself.
2. The magi travelled together. Who have been your companions on life's journey? What has it been like when you have realized that you had companionship along the road? What made you conscious of that companionship? How was it demonstrated?
3. The magi lost sight of the star for a while. What clouds obscure the star that guides your life? Think of those to whom you have turned to get a renewed sense of direction. Perhaps some, like Herod, gave bad advice, but others were wise guides. Remember with particular gratitude those who warned you about dangers on the road and helped you set off with confidence on the right road again.
4. Eventually the magi had the joy of meeting Jesus. In the Epiphany we celebrate God made visible to all humanity. What encounters have you had in life that left you with the sense that God was in what had happened? How did these meetings help you as you, like the magi, ‘returned to your own country'?
Published Fri 4th Jan 2019 22:54:24
Last Modified on Fri 4th Jan 2019 22:54:24