The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Journey in Faith moves on!

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2.1 Journey in faithTwelve years ago Journey in Faith (JIF) was set up by the late Monsignor Philip Holroyd to instruct those interested in joining the Church and inform anyone who was interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. Since then we have welcomed into the Church over thirty new members.

As the main stalwarts of the JIF group feel the need for some ‘new blood' and to move on we are delighted that Michael Clayton, who attended the course and was received into the Church a few years ago, has committed to taking leadership of the group. We pray now that someone else in the Parish may be willing to join him in this important and rewarding work. If that person is you then do please make yourself known to Fr. Wall or Mary Gairn in the office who will give you any information you need. The only qualifications needed are a love of The Lord Jesus and a wish to share your faith with others. Training in Catechesis is available if required.

I am in the process of stepping back and would like to thank Mary Wilkinson, (who is continuing for the present), also Josie Loftus (and her late husband Michael), and Christine Priestly who have been the greatest supporters anyone could wish for.

We are moving on knowing that the group is in safe hands but Michael needs others to support him. The group will be meeting on Thursday evenings in the new year until the course finishes at Easter.

Prayer with action is very rewarding! Please can you help? Thank you.

Carol Daley.

Published Sat 22nd Dec 2018 17:35:18
Last Modified on Sun 23rd Dec 2018 23:26:29

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