The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman - 3rd July 2018

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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Moira Wager
Apologies: Carol Daley, Alison Armitage
Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.
Action from the previous meeting
"The art of accompaniment".
We have many parish activities that are witness to the art of accompaniment and need to be mindful of parish member's commitments inside and outside the wider church community before introducing a further initiative. (Action point)

Mass count:

  • The count to start on the 5th / 6th May. This will continue for a full year to monitor the Mass attendance in the parish. Fr Pat is grateful to the welcomes who do the count each week. (Action point)

Youth & Family Ministry

  • Family Groups It is a very powerful video. Ben to contact Chris at St Gregory's to check before presentation at St Gregory's. Delayed due to the BGT

Youth & Family Ministry

  • Ben was grateful to everyone who helped both in the preparation and on the day and a thanks from the PPC to all.
  • We have had good feedback from Wendy Walsh and John Hutchinson Head Teacher of the primary schools who thought it was a very spiritual Mass. Also positive feedback from Corpus Christi College.
  • The numbers attended the BGT was about 290 - 310. This was from across the whole parish.
  • There will be a social gathering for all helpers to say thank you and also get their feedback. This will be on the 18th July at 7.15pm.
  • 117 positive responses.
  • 2019 - St Theresa's will hold an open-air Mass at the end of term as the present school closed.
  • Both primary schools have offered the use of their school in 2019.
  • The announcement of the cancelled Masses was well advertised at al Masses.
  • The BGT & the BBQ were very close to one another. Also the World Cup game was on TV.
  • The Mass at of 11am was the right time.
  • The positive feedback on the Mass and social after Mass included: the cake with the BGT logo, ice cream Sumo, and slush drink.
  • This to be on the agenda for the next meeting. (Action point)

World Week of the Family:

  • This is in Ireland from the 22nd August while Pope Francis visits Ireland.
  • During the week we will pray in the parish using a special prayer on a card which will be given out prior to this week.
  • Icon's will be in each church during the week.

Adoremus National Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Congress September 2018

  • We have 8 individuals who have committed to attend the congress. These have to be commissioned to go prior to the event.
  • There will be different leaflets given out over the 11 weeks before the congress each on a different theme. These are going out with the bulletin from 24th June.
  • Prayers during the week will be said at all Masses.
  • All these aids are to help people reflect on the Eucharist.
  • More information will be coming out as we lead up to the congress.

Refugees Crisis meeting in the Parish - Night shelter

  • Speakers will be at all Masses over the weekend 7th - 8th July to explain what Night Shelter is and to advertise the Parish Breakfast on the 15th July.


Marriage - in the parish this year there will be 8 marriages in the parish 4 already celebrated.
Baptism - preparation courses continue with the next on 4th July and the one after this it will be early October.
Confirmation - will take place on the 7th February 2019 by Bishop Marcus Stock. Preparation will start in September / October.
Reconciliation - will take place during Lent 2019 for the year 3 that starts in September 2018. The details of the preparations for the children and parents to be announced in September 2018.
First Holy Communion - will take place after Easter 2019 for year 4 that stat in September 2018. The details of the preparations for the children and parents to be announced in September 2018.
Parish Council Hour of Prayer & Social: Fr Pat thanked everyone who attended this in June. It was a spiritual evening followed by a social which was enjoy by all.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 7.33pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Angela Horgan
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council - Tuesday 18th September

Published Fri 20th Jul 2018 15:56:56
Last Modified on Fri 20th Jul 2018 16:04:48

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