The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week - Mark 9:2-10

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Mark 9:2-10

1. Some special spiritual experiences are well-nigh impossible to describe in words. The Transfiguration was one of these. Jesus had a new and deeper insight into his relationship with his heavenly Father, one that would sustain him through what lay ahead of him. Have you had WOW moments that you found hard to describe to others? How have these sustained you in difficult times?

2. It can be both scary and wonderful to witness transformation in another, especially a person who is close. At times parents get a taste of this when a child's talent blossoms and is recognised by the child. We may also experience it when a dear friend recognises s/he is in a blind alley and gives up an addiction.

3. ‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him.' Peter, James and John were particularly close to Jesus but they were not good at listening to Jesus, especially when he spoke of the painful road of servant discipleship. Jesus is the one we must listen to, even when his message is hard to hear, for it is in this message we find life. When have you found this to be true?

4. Strangely, this instruction came to the disciples when they were confused and ‘in a cloud'. Perhaps you recall a moment of insight coming to you at a time when you were confused.

Published Sat 24th Feb 2018 00:22:19
Last Modified on Sat 24th Feb 2018 00:22:19

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