The Word This Week 7th Jan 2018
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The Word This Week
First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
An invitation to embrace a promise fulfilled even if not fully understood. It's pure call! Call to be awake, alert to the "signs of the times", call to cast off darkness and the heaviness of the night. Surely then it is a message of hope for those in despair.
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6
Having come to an awareness of grace received, Paul is duty bound to share it with all willing to receive. Aware the gift is not limited to the few, he sets about offering to as many as possible. Jesus was, is and always remains the one who can take us to a better place. Our duty, like Paul's is to be ambassadors for Christ. The gift/grace received is not solely for private use.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
"We have come to do him homage". Their journey was neither short nor simple. Much planning went into it and much personal sacrifice. They were willing to bring something of themselves to the table and anxious to meet the Promised One. Despite the clarity of mind and the good intent, they finished up in the wrong location. Looking for the Heavenly one in all too earthly surrounds, their search was not successful nor their journey complete. Perhaps we too run the risk of looking for the Lord in the wrong place. Maybe we are confused by what the world labels royalty, celebrity or palace. Jesus remains the destination and he is most often found in the barn rather than the palace.
Published Fri 5th Jan 2018 21:07:49
Last Modified on Fri 5th Jan 2018 21:07:49