The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Truth.

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Jesus told us, "I am the way the truth and the life," and in many of the Gospels he is quoted as starting with the words, "Truly, truly I say unto you." But what is Truth?

In today's world it is increasingly difficult to separate truth from fiction. Just look at some of the advertisements on television each evening. If you believed all the claims made, you would soon have a household full of useless products. Apart from being truthful and honest with others, sometimes we find it difficult to even be truthful with ourselves. We make excuses for our bad behaviour, or blame others for our own faults.

Politicians quickly learn the art of being disingenuous with the truth, when they claim vast sums in expenses and mortgages they are not entitled to. But when they are found out, it's always a terrible mistake and completely within the rules as they understood them.

A priest took as his text for his homily one Sunday, "Truth and honesty." When he had finished, he looked down on the congregation with a smile and announced that he was giving them all some homework to do for next Sunday. He said, "My homily next week will be based on chapter 17 of the Gospel of St Mark, so I would like you all to try and make an effort to read it during the week. The next week the priest stood at the lectern, looked at his congregation and asked, "Would all those who took the trouble the read chapter 17 of St Marks Gospel please put up your hands." A forest of hands shot into the air and the priest smiled and said, "That's very interesting, but you all disappoint me with your honesty, as there are only 16 chapters in St Mark's Gospel."

"I am the way, the truth and the life."

Published Sat 11th Nov 2017 08:46:22
Last Modified on Sat 11th Nov 2017 08:46:22

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