New Parish Pastoral Council Members:
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The Foundation Document of the Parish Pastoral Council requires that 4 members of the present council step down. The term for a member is 3 years with the possibility of reappointment. Members may only serve two consecutive terms.
What qualifications do I need to become a member of the Parish Pastoral Council?
A love of God
A generous heart
The ability to work cooperatively for the good of the whole parish
A desire to build up our community - both the Church community and the wider community
A willingness to serve for 3 years
Nominations are required from each of our churches to represent the individual church on the council.
The PPC meet 6 times a year with a Reflection & prayer evening followed by a social.
Sheelagh Pickles, Philip Dyson, Lisa Valentine-Jonsson and Josephine Abby-Philips are due to step down this year after serving for 3 years and Sheelagh 6 years.
- Sheelagh must step down due to completing 6 years' service.
- Philip step down this year after serving for 3 years.
- Lisa is stepping down due to other commitments.
- Josephine is willing stand for re-election against anyone else who is nominated.
Nominations are required in writing giving the person nominated - name, address and telephone number and their consent together with name of nominator and seconder
These must be forwarded to the parish office by Sunday 19th November. The nominee must be willing to serve on the council.
If more nominations are received than are required then a vote will be taken in the relevant church.
Voting will be 3rd / 10th December 2017.
Please consider giving some time to your Parish and help to develop it for the future.
Published Sat 28th Oct 2017 04:37:27
Last Modified on Sat 28th Oct 2017 04:43:06