Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman - 7th September 2017
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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Ben Science
Apologies: Fr G, Sheila Kennedy, and Josephine Abbey-Philips.
Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved.
Matters arising from the minutes:
- Rachel Walker from Growing Old Grace-fully. Rachel presented a workshop on the 12th July in the conference room. The attendance was very embarrassing there were only 6 people present. There was a quiz which was very informative. Are there one or two points which the parish could take forward? Alison Armitage & Sean Quigley will look at this and download a pack from the website.
- Defibrillator in the Parish Centre. Deacon Sean received the details from school about who they use for their defibrillator. The cost to the school is approx. £360 per year. Mary to take this forward.
Youth & Family Ministry
- Big Get Together (BGT) Mass 9th July 2017. A wonderful day.
- 19 groups from the church had displays around the area.
- The group was asked if it should be considered for next year. It was agreed this should not be forgotten and if possible it should happen again.
- The planning group are to have an informal meeting and look at what happened and how we can move on for next year.
- Possibly approach Chaplaincy team at Corpus Christi College.
- If considering only every other year maybe next year we should hold this as there will be no First Holy Communions.
- Useful to have goals which could measure the success of the event.
- A huge thanks Patrick & Mary Bradley who steered the whole event.
Parish Family Group
- Looking at holding a number of informal meetings and showing the video. It has been suggested this could
be after the Sunday morning Masses. The reason behind this is due to the dark nights drawing in.
50th Anniversary of the Abortion Act 1967.
- Since April 2017 year we have had a Mass on the 27th of each month for this intention.
- Bishop Marcus has asked all parishes to hold prayers over this weekend.
- Fr Pat proposes we have Prayer Vigil In Reparation at 4pm followed by Mass at 7pm at St Gregory's Church on Friday 27th October. This will allow people to come and pray before it gets dark.
Refugees Crisis meeting in the Parish:
- To celebrate One World Week which is 22nd - 29th October. There are many different cultures within our parish family
- On the 28th October there will be a Mass at 5.30pm at St Theresa's followed by a Multicultural Shared Meal in the Parish centre. It will mean cancelling the 6.30pm Mass at St Gregory's on this date only.
- Advertise in the bulletin well in advance and the school newsletters. "Coming Soon" notice.
- Have a subcommittee of Sheelagh, Philip, Alison & Ben to organise this and possibly someone from the team to speak at all Masses. Lisa to speak with Anna at Corpus Christi College. Deacon Sean will contact St Theresa's
- Music could be from our Filipino Choir, African Choir and anyone interested.
Parish AGM Saturday 23rd September
- Sr. Nora will be away on holiday. Deacon Sean will be attending Diocesan launch of Caritas at Notre Dame
- The AGM will still go ahead on Saturday 23rd September from 1.00pm to 2.30pm starting with soup & a roll.
- Fr Pat to give parish report, Philip Dyson Finance report and Mike England the property report. Fr Pat to prepare the Pastoral and the Parish report.
- Mary to collect all the report and prepare a booklet for the parishioners and to be handed out over the weekend 16th / 17 th September. These will be given out at the end of Mass.
- Refreshments will be served as people arrive.
- Meeting to start with a prayer by Fr Pat followed by him introducing the PPC to all those in attendance. Fr Pat will then give an overview of his first 12 months back in the parish. This will be followed by questions. Fr Pat will close the meeting.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Ripon Wednesday 18th October.
- A coach has been booked to leave approx. 9am and leave Ripon at 4pm. Details are on the bulletin.
PPC Members to consider their future:
- The term of office is 3 years with a possibility of a further 3 years if you wish. ONLY 2 CONSECUTIVE TERMS CAN BE SERVED.
- Fr Pat asked the current Council to stand until January 2018 while he completed his first year as Parish Priest.
- Josephine Abbey-Philip and Lisa Valentine-Jonson first 3 year term of office will be complete in January 2018. Sheelagh Pickles second term of office will be completed and therefore she must step down. Philip Dyson and Lisa Valentine-Jonson have asked to step down this time.
- The PPC current members have been asking parishioners to consider standing. Nominees to be asked to come forward via the bulletin in October.
Sacramental Celebration follows up - What happens next?
- A meeting to take place in the parish for all catechists to inform them of the new process for all the Sacraments and ask if they will be on board to help with this.
- Catechists and parents have to be informed of the new process. The new process to enrich family faith.
- 2018 there will be 2 sessions for the Sacrament of Confirmations - Year 6 & Year 7 & 8
- 2018 Sacrament of Reconciliation YEAR 3
- 2019 Sacrament of First Holy Communion YEAR 4
- 2020 Sacrament of Confirmation YEAR 6
- All preparation will be parish based with the help of the schools outside of the school curriculum.
- It is hoped that from Year 7 owards in the high schools will be a time to build the young people's faith.
- It was agreed that Corpus Christi children's liturgy could purchase costumes for the Christmas Children's Mass.
- We have been supplied with maps of our 3 churches' boundaries. This very large area forms the Parish of Blessed John Henry Newman. Over the coming months this will increase due to the house building plans. The maps will be on display at the Parish AGM
The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.25pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Alison Armitage
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council
19th October
Published Fri 8th Sep 2017 22:59:32
Last Modified on Fri 8th Sep 2017 23:05:00