The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 22nd June 2017

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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Marion Waller

Apologies: Moira Wager, Lisa Valentine-Jonsson and Josephine Abbey-Philips.

Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved.
Matters arising from the minutes:

  • Rachel Walker from Growing Old Grace-fully. Rachel will present a workshop of 1hour about the latest guide. This will be on the 12th July at 7.00pm in the conference room. All the parish are welcome to attend.
  • Defibrillator in the parish Centre. Deacon Sean has contacted Judith Childerson for details of who they use for their defibrillator. The cost to the school is approx. £360 per year. Deacon Sean is getting more detail.

Youth & Family Ministry
  • Big Get Together (BGT) Mass 9th July 2017. All groups are asked to set up by 11.15am. Transport has been advertised. The Mass will start promptly at 12.00noon.
  • Prep weekend 24th / 25th June.
  • Mass and bidding prayers are been sorted out among the groups.
  • A lot of the individual parish groups will have stalls advertising their work within the parish.
  • The Filipino Choir are joining Fran and the music group.
  • Altar servers from the 3 churches are to be asked to attend and bring along an alb from their church.

Alpha Course Feedback
  • No feedback received still in preparation stage.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation - celebrations 2017
First Holy Communion Fr Pat thanks everyone who was involved with the preparations. All went well in our 3 churches. Next year there will be a new structure for the First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Sacraments.
The Mass at Corpus Christi was very reverent and peaceful. Fr Pat has said this must be repeated in all our services during the year.

Confirmation 25th May: Went well on the night. The Bishop commented about the chatter in the church before and during the Confirmation service. This needs to be addressed for future services. Keep people's attention during the long Confirmation ceremony.

Refugees Crisis meeting in the Parish:
  • Refugee week 19th - 25th June. FR G is speaking at a gathering at St Benedicts.
  • Suggest we have a Multicultural Mass during One World Week followed by a Multicultural Shared Meal.
    The week is 22nd - 29th October.
  • A suggested date of 28th October with a 5.30pm Mass at St Theresa's followed by a shared meal in the Parish centre. It will mean cancelling the 6.30pm Mass at St Gregory's on this date only.

Bishop Marcus Stock visitation 3rd / 4th June:
The Bishop thought the presbytery at St Theresa's was very big! He was very happy with the number of people attending Mass across the parish. The Bishop comments that all 3 communities seem happy and there was warmth within the parish. The Bishop met the Head Teacher & Head Governor from the 2 primary schools. We were delighted the Bishop found time to visit the BBQ despite his busy schedule.

Parish AGM
  • It has been agreed to have meeting on Saturday 23rd September from 1.00pm to 2.30pm starting with soup & a roll.
  • Reports from all groups to be submitted prior to the meeting and collated and ready for the parishioners at least 1 week before the meeting. All groups will be contacted by email, word of mouth or via the bulletin.
  • The primary schools in the parish are to be asked to submit a report. Deacon Sean to contact St Theresa's primary school and Fr Pat t contact Corpus Christi primary school.
  • Fr Pat to prepare the Pastoral and the Parish report.
  • Mary to collect all the report and prepare a booklet for the parishioners.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Ripon Wednesday 18th October.
  • A coach will be booked to leave approx. 9am and leave Ripon at 4pm. More detail via the bulletin in July.
  • Devotions in the Parish
  • Mass of the Sick with the Sacrament of Anointing in St Theresa's 2 nd July 2.30pm - 4.30pm

PPC Members to consider their future:
  • The term of office is 3 years with a possibility of a further 3 years if you wish. ONLY 2 CONSECUTIVE TERMS CAN BE SERVED.
  • Fr Pat asked the current Council to stand until January 2018 while he completed his first year as Parish Priest.
  • Josephine Abbey-Philip and Lisa Valentine-Jonson first 3 year term of office will be complete in January
    2018. Sheelagh Pickles second term of office will be complete and therefore she must step down.
    Philip Dyson has said he wishes to step down this time.
  • The PPC current members have been asked to consider approaching parishioners and ask them to consider standing for election when the time comes.

Sacramental Celebration follows up - What happens next?
  • How do we follow up after Baptism, First Holy Communion & Confirmation?
  • At the FHC Celebrations on Sunday 25th June the children should be encouraged to serve at Mass. But this needs parental support.
  • Consider sending a card on the anniversary of their Sacrament or an annual Mass for the Sacrament.
  • The PPC are fully aware of the many other commitments which families have for their children i.e. Football, swimming etc.
  • Fr Pat & Fr G are asked to encourage the children in the schools to serve at Sunday Mass in the parish during their weekly visits to both the primary schools.
  • It was suggested that we ask the older altar servers to encourage the younger children to come forward and serve at Sunday Mass.
  • Valerie at St Gregory's also arranges social events with the Altar Servers.
  • Consider for the next meeting post Baptism and First Holy Communion visits.

PPC Holy Hour & Social
  • Deacon Sean & Philip Dyson have given their apologies due to other commitments.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.40pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Sr. Nora

Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council
6th July Holy Hour followed by Social gathering
7th September 2017

Published Fri 23rd Jun 2017 13:31:42
Last Modified on Fri 23rd Jun 2017 13:34:38

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