The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes 9th March 2017

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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Lisa Valentine-Jonsson

Apologies: Josephine Abbey-Philips, and Lisa Valentine-Jonsson
Minutes from previous meeting were read.

Matters arising from the minutes:
  • “Usually have an AGM but 2016 was not a success”. This should have read 2015. No AGM was held in 2016 due to the 3 Listening meetings held in each church.
  • “Catherine Coates has asked if we could have a fund raising event to cover the costs for the local SPUC representative costs. Does the Head Office of SPUC have funds to help their local representatives? Maybe the parish should approach SPUC to ask if funds are available. Sheelagh Pickles to follow this up. “This is from previous minutes. Catherine felt she had been misrepresented by these comments and sent a letter to the PPC indicating that the request for funds was on behalf of SPUC, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants and 40 Days for Life working at a local level in Leeds. The letter was read out at the meeting and the contents discussed and it was agreed that a written response would be made with a possible way forward.
  • Summer Gala in Manston Park in June 2017 – Cancelled no planning permission given. In view of this a suggestion was made that Karen Gray from Connecting Crossgates might like to become involved in the BGT in July.
  • Bereavement Group
    Cards have been issued to the Clergy to leave with bereaved families should they have the need. Contact is via the parish office. Time to Talk sessions have started; these are held each Friday from 2pm til 4pm in the Parish Centre and are open for anyone who wants an opportunity to talk.
  • Parish Census / Registration2017
    Welcome leaflet produced for all new parishioners to be left in all churches
    Change of detail forms to be left in all churches
    Parish Registration form to be completed by all even if they have been in the parish for eternity. 4 years since the last census and it will be another 5 years before taken again. It is important that we have a regular update on the Parish family. Forms will be given out at all Masses weekend 18th / 19th March
  • Welcome signs in each church
    St Theresa’s and St Gregory’s children’s liturgy posters are in church. Sheila Kennedy is to follow up Corpus Christi’s poster.
  • Youth & Family Ministry
    Big Get Together Mass 9th July 2017 which will take place at Corpus Christi and the parish will be encouraged to attend. Help of the PPC offered to organising group.
    The Family group the DVD to be followed up at the BGT meetings

Alpha Course
  • The Alpha Course working group have met and decided to contact the other Christian churches in our area with a view to having a joint Alpha Course and this is to be an agenda item at the next Churches Together meeting.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation – celebrations 2017
First Holy Communion meetings have taken place. There is a meeting on the 16th March for those who have agreed to visit the families of First Communion children. The Mass book and prayer card have been purchased.

Confirmation: Fr Pat & parents have met and the preparation started 8th March on CC College and 10th March in the Newman Centre.

Children’s Liturgy at St Gregory’s:
At St Gregory’s the Children’s Liturgy leaders are encouraging year 6 children to help on a Sunday. There are currently 2 children helping.
In the St Theresa’s school newsletter there has been a request for help with Children’s Liturgy in all our churches.

At St Gregory’s there is a small orchestra starting. Corpus Christi has an active and many children attending.

Refugees Crisis meeting in the Parish:
  • This meeting will take place in the Newman Centre on the 4th April at 7pm.
  • Sheelagh has spoken with some people who are “Grace Hosting” in the parish and has invited them to come to the meeting and speak on the area of helping Refugees.

New Hymn Books across the parish:
The books have arrived and will be in each church in time for Easter.
The old books in each church will be gathered and offered to the Missions.

ICON for Peace 20th – 26th February
This was drawn to Fr Pat’s attention and we were the first hosts of the ICON within the Diocese. The only drawback it was during the week when it was in the parish. The size of the ICON was larger than expected therefore we were unable to move it around. Large framed copies were in each church and the schools.

The cards and explanation document was very good.

The meeting on the Monday was very poorly attended. This had been advertised across the Churches Together. It was noted that sometimes people don’t attend meetings as they are afraid they will get another job which they can’t take on.


Annual Covenant / Leeds Citizens
As indicated at the last PPC meeting, we will remain members of Leeds Citizens for the coming year and continue to pay our subscription of £100 per month starting again in April.

The home charity of 1% will be held over until we have had the meeting regarding the work the parish can do to help regarding the Refugee Crisis.

Prayer Book for the PPC
Each member was given a prayer book for personal use and reflection.

Music Stand missing from Corpus Christi Church may have accidentally been taken to Corpus Christi College.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.05pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Moira Wager
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council
4th May 2017

Published Wed 19th Apr 2017 00:06:15
Last Modified on Wed 19th Apr 2017 00:06:15

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