The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Magazine Easter 2017

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New life, new hope.

Once more we focus our attention and energy toward the Spring Time that comes to us, to renew our hearts and our lives as we notice the flowers of the field, and the leaves of the trees coming to life around us to be celebrated and admired in all their colour and splendour. After having travelled the recent journey of the winter months with the lengthy darkness, and the cold days and nights, we now come to the anticipated warmth and joy of heart which comes from the light and length of days of theseason of spring. And in this time of renewal and newness of life coming forth in nature, with the completion of the lambing season too, we have journeyed from a season of Repentance of heart and life walking in the footsteps of Jesus in the Desert of Lent where we come now to our destination of the joy of the Easter Resurrection of Jesus for us. For Christs� Resurrection was not a return to an earthly life again as before, as it was for Lazarus and the daughter of Jairus as told in the Scriptures. For those moments were miraculous events, but those persons brought back to life at some significant mo- ment would die again and enter eternal life in heaven. But Christs� Resurrection from the dead is essentially different, where he is now different although recognisable by the disciples when he came to see them in the upper room, he has now passed to another life beyond time and space. So at Christs� Resurrection, at that moment, his body is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, as he shares his divine life, in his glorious state so that St. Paul can correctly say that Christ is �The man of heaven.� Christs� Resurrection is the fulfilment of the message brought of the Old Testament that the Suffering Servant would die and Rise again as prophesied by Isaiah.

New Life - New HopeLet us celebrate with joy of heart the Resurrection of Christ in this Easter Time and re- member what Christ offered of himself for us on the Cross, is now accomplished and renewed in the Risen Christ with whom we live our lives as an Easter People, called to faith, hope and love to be lived, celebrated and shared throughout our lives each day. May we all as a Parish Family together be renewed in heart and mind with the Easter Faith and Joy and together with our own family and friends welcome the Risen Christ to our lives and share this Good News with everyone we love, befriend and meet in this Easter Season.

Fr. Pat

Published Tue 18th Apr 2017 23:19:05
Last Modified on Sun 23rd Dec 2018 10:45:53

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