The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Marion Waller
Apologies: Fr Ghebreyesus, Josephine Abbey-Philips (arrived late) and Moira Wager
Minutes from previous meeting were read and were agreed to be correct.
Matters arising from the minutes:
- Summer Gala in Manston Park in June 2017
Further up date at next meeting. (Action point)
- Bereavement Group
Fr Pat advised things still in progress. Time to Talk started but no visitors yet. (Action Point)
- Parish Census 2017
Fr Pat said new proforma to be use by end January /early February 2017. (Action Point)
Forms needed ASAP in all 3 churches for new comers to the parish.
- Templates have been done and put up in church. Children’s liturgy groups to produce one for each church. St Theresa’s children liturgy prepared a poster. St Gregory & Corpus Christi still to produce theirs.
There is a picture of the 3 churches in a frame and it was suggested that this is no longer required. Fr Pat has requested we leave it there for a few more weeks.
- Youth & Family Ministry
Big Get Together Mass 9th July 2017 which will take place at Corpus Christi and the parish will be encouraged to attend. More update at next meeting.
- Listening to and engaging with Parishioners
- More welcome ambassadors and more outreach to young people, non-church goers and new arrivals. It was agreed that there are enough Welcomers at present in each church
- Training volunteers for different ministries and involving parishioners in different groups/departments. Personal approach needed and all PPC members should be on the lookout for people and ask them if they would like to be involved in any ministry of the church.
- More Holy Hours and Special Devotions will be introduced over the coming months
- The housebound, sick or absent from church have been visited over the last few months by Fr Pat & Fr G. When Fr G returns Deacon Sean & Sr. Nora will continue to be involved with the extended list of people to visit.
- Usually have an AGM but 2016 was not a success. Possibly have a meeting in Spring.
- Again a personal approach is needed to encourage young people to be involved in various area of the church.
- Some churches in Leeds are opening up the churches and preparing a meal for the refugees and offering them a place to lay their head down. The Holy Family Convent has opened their home to at least 7 women refugees over different times. As a parish can we offer these facilities?
Alpha Course
Those who attended the course have a follow up meeting on the 9 th February. This course could be something that we could start in the parish. Teams will be needed to put on the course and the catering side in our parish. More details after the follow up meeting. (Action Point)
First Holy Communion and Confirmation – celebrations 2017
First Holy Communion Fr Pat has had a parents meeting for the children who are to make their First Holy Communion. At the meeting Fr Pat advised them of the programme of preparation and services.
Eamon McGee has agreed to organise the family visiting for all those making their First Holy Communion. It was pointed out that a good number of volunteers will be needed and these will be requested when we have the number of families to be visited.
Confirmation a meeting with the parish Confirmation coordinator has taken place and the applications will be available from 22nd January.
The Sacrament will take place on 25th May 2017 at Corpus Christi.
Feedback from the Refugees Crisis meeting at the Diocese in November 2016:
- Phillip Dyson advised the group that the meeting was well attended from our parish.
- How can we get involved with refugees as Parish / Deanery/ Churches Together?
- Should we advertise for people to be involved with this in our parish?
- By doing things as a Deanery or Churches Together there are more resources available.
- Katrina Burton has been employed as an Action Worker. Phillip Dyson to contact Katrina to arrange a possible date to come and talk to the Parish / Deanery / Churches Together
- If project considered then possibly look for funding via Josephine Abbey-Philips.
- This is to be referred to the parish.
New Hymn Books across the parish:
This is to be launched the weekend 29 th January - Asking for Parishioners to sponsor a book. This will be a fixed amount for £5 per book. Each hymn book would carry a dedication in memory/thanksgiving on behalf of the donor
Christion Unity Week 18th – 25th January
Started 18th January – Deacon Sean went to St Mary’s Whitkirk to evening prayer. Over the weekend 21st / 22nd January we will have a pulpit exchange with Rev Matthew Peat from St Mary’s Whitkirk on Saturday 5.15pm Mass and Rev Carolyn James from St James Manston Sunday 8.15am Mass.
Deacon Sean is to go to St Mary’s Whitkirk.
ICON for Peace 20 th – 26th February
This ICON will be in the parish for this week.
Monday 20 th at 7pm Tricia Griffin will come and speak on an Eye Witness from Israel – Palestine.
During the week we host the ICON there will be various events.
Churches Together – A Day with Timothy Radcliffe OP
Fr Timothy Radcliffe will speak at St James Manston on the 29th April. Tickets available at a cost of £5 before 31st January after this date the cost will increase.
50th Anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act
- The Bishops of England and Wales have asked that we pray for this by having a monthly Mass and other prayer events.
- Catherine Coates has asked if we could have a fund raising event to cover the costs for the local SPUC representative costs. Does the Head Office of SPUC have funds to help their local representatives? Maybe the parish should approach SPUC to ask if funds are available.
Sheelagh Pickles to follow this up.
Annual Covenant / Leeds Citizens
Do we, as a parish wish to continue with the annual covenant? It was suggested that we remain members of Leeds Citizens but not use the covenant as the home charity but the subscription be funded from parish funds. It is a great opportunity to work with other ecumenical groups across the City.
It was agreed that we still have a home charity and pay 1% of our income to another local charity.
This will be considered when we know more about the Refugees Crisis.
Children’s Liturgy at St Gregory’s
Alison Armitage is seeking help to assist her and Clare with the Sunday Children’s Liturgy at the 9.15am Mass.
Mass for the Sick & Housebound
Fr Pat is looking at have a Mass on the 2nd July (the time when the Diocese goes to Lourdes) at St Theresa’s at 3pm for all the Sick & Housebound. This will be on the theme of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Bernadette. Fr Pat hopes the SVP will help with this.
This will be followed by tea & cake in the centre.
All agreed it is a good idea.
Choir at Corpus Christi
Music stand disappeared from church. Fr Pat suggested looking in the old baptistry.
Parish Visitation
Bishop Marcus will visit the parish over the weekend 3rd / 4th June
The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.35pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Lisa Valentine-Jonsson
Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council
9th March 2017