The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - 17th November 2016

Read 1521 Times
The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Josephine Abbey Philips
Apologies: Fr. Ghebreyesus, Lisa Valentine-Jonson

Minutes from previous meeting were read and were agreed to be correct.

Year of Mercy
  • Pilgrimage to Ripon Cathedral on the 8th October. 22 people visited Ripon from the parish. St. Theresa’s school children served at the Mass. The Cathedral was full and it was a very joyous occasion. Some then visited Monsignor Philip Holroyd’s church, St. Wilfrid's, in Ripon.
  • Pilgrimage to the Door of Mercy at Leeds Cathedral went very well on Saturday 12th November. 35 parishioners attended and were made very welcome by the Cathedral staff. There were 7 stations around the church and the whole occasion was very prayerful. Fr. Pat thanked Ben for arranging both pilgrimages.

Bereavement Group
Fr. Pat has met with those putting the group together and the structure is to be confirmed in due course. (Action Point)

Parish Census 2017
Gathered previous sheets and working on a new proforma to be used early in 2017. Looking at the way records are stored and held at present to make it easier and more friendly to use. (Action Point).

Welcome signs in each church
Templates have been done and put up in church. Children’s liturgy groups to produce one for each church.

Alpha Course
An Alpha Course is a way of introducing people to Christ.
How could we introduce this into the parish as we already have Journey in Faith preparation in the parish? It was felt that Alpha is for people before going on the Journey in Faith. Those who attended the introduction meeting felt they should attend a course themselves before putting Alpha into action in the parish. It could be something that we could start in the parish. Teams will be needed to put on the course and the catering side in our parish. Youth & Family Ministry
  1. Working with teenagers
  2. Baptismal group working together with this group
  3. Big Get Together Mass 2017 which will take place at Corpus Christi and the parish will be encouraged to attend.

Summer Gala in Manston Park in June 2017
Slow progress, still waiting for planning permission. Local Councillors still processing the request. (Action point)

Listening to and engaging with Parishioners
Josephine collated the comments from the 3 churches and a list of the action points are
below. We must remember we are 3 communities BUT 1 parish. The points will be
dealt with by the PPC over a period of time. As can be seen from the minutes, some
areas are already being addressed.

Action Points
  • Make parishioners more welcome. More welcome ambassadors and more outreach to young people, non-church goers and new arrivals.
  • Training volunteers for different ministries and involving parishioners in different groups/departments
  • More Holy Hours and Special Devotions. Introduce Benediction.
  • Fitness/gentle exercise classes for the elderly. Activities for children at other parishes. For example, Rosary Group.
  • Establish a Visiting team to the housebound, sick or absent. Also, consider establishing a Bereavement group.
  • Continuous feedback surveys and constant communication.
  • Keep up any momentum which happens after the Big Get Together.
  • More time and attention to young people by developing relationships and making liturgy attractive and involving them in various departments of the church e.g. choir.
  • Be more inclusive. Get to know people in the surrounding areas and take in refugees.
  • Follow up liturgical services and communicate effectively – baptisms, funeral
  • Deepening faith by encouraging people to go on “Journey in Faith”.

Fr. Pat Wall
  • Arranging a Parish Christmas card and is to ask parishioners to take a card to neighbours and a Christmas poster.
  • Ecumenical Christmas card and the Crib will be in the shopping centre this year after one year of absence.
  • A meeting for Readers & Eucharistic ministers to have a prayerful part in their ministry. It is hope this will be arranged in Lent 2017.
  • Holy Hours across the 3 churches.
  • Carol service to rotate across the 3 churches over a 3 year cycle.
  • Fr. Pat hopes to continue to bring the 3 churches together as 1 parish.
  • In trying to make the liturgy attractive to younger members of the parish it is important to make a distinction between a prayerful atmosphere and entertainment.
  • Fr. Pat is very happy with the way the Children’s Liturgy is working in all our 3 churches.

First Holy Communion children’s parents will receive a letter in December inviting them to a meeting in January. The meetings will advise them of the programme of preparation and services. Eamonn McGee has agreed to organise the family visiting for all those making their FHC. It was pointed out that a good number of volunteers will be needed for this very rewarding ministry.
Confirmation a meeting with the parish Confirmation coordinator has to be arranged in the next few weeks. The Sacrament will take place on 25th May 2017 at Corpus Christi.

Parish Family Groups
The PPC were shown a DVD of what a group is about and how it can affect individual families. They are not prayer groups or Scripture study groups but an opportunity for people simply to enjoy being together. This first started in Australia and was made up of single people, families, widowed people, old and young people. A movement has been set up in England. Each group is made up of all different individuals. It is about coming together about once a month - this could be to share a meal together or just going for a walk - just enjoying each other’s company. If you want to know about this movement leaflets can be obtained from the parish office.

The PPC are to consider if we are interested in setting this up in the parish - if so we would need the support of Fr. Pat. PPC are asked to read the leaflets and look on the website and report back to the next PPC meeting. The PPC think this could bring the parish community together and that this is somewhere to start - next meeting agenda.

  • The Lasses of Barnbow service in Manston Park at 1.30pm. Notice in bulletin weekend 27th November.
  • Members of the PPC are encouraged to attend the meeting at Hinsley Hall on the 30th Nov about the Refugee Crisis. Philip Dyson, Maria Wager and Josephine Abbey Philips will attend from the PPC but as many other parishioners as possible are encouraged to attend.
  • New Hymn books across the parish. It will mean we are singing from the same hymn sheet. It is hoped to ask people to purchase a book in memory of a loved one or whatever other reason. This is to be brought to the parish in the New Year and Fr. Pat hopes to have these in the churches by Easter 2017. All present agreed to proceed with this purchase. The old books will be offered to the Missions.
  • Correspondence – letter received in response about a comment made at the PPC meeting in June asking about the work of the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Sr. Catherine sent a letter which was read at the meeting giving us the extent of their valued work in the parish, and both Corpus Christi schools and the of retreats they give around the country.
  • Dementia friendly parish – next meeting agenda.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.30pm

Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Marion Waller

Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Committee: 19th January 2017

Published Sun 15th Jan 2017 11:35:02
Last Modified on Sun 15th Jan 2017 11:36:28

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