The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Images Of Christmas.

Read 1294 Times
Imagine an English village a century ago.
Cottages nestling by the green, thatched roofs atop with snow.
Imagine a city of today, with slush upon the ground.
A cardboard box, the only shelter a homeless man has found.

Imagine a family home, with a sparkling Christmas tree.
Children dressed as Angels, for their school Nativity.
Imagine a child in Afghanistan, a refugee of war.
Bereft of home and family, where Christmas seems no more.

Imagine carol singers, walking down an English street.
Exchanging Christmas greetings, with everyone they meet.
Imagine a street in Iraq, where families live in fear.
Where pleas for peace go unheeded, terrorist bombs are so near.

Imagine a lowly stable and the shelter that it gave.
Imagine a tiny baby and the world he came to save.
Two thousand years are but a night, unchanged still seems mankind.
War and greed and homelessness, this present day we find.

The festival of Christmas brings hope anew each year.
That wars will cease and peace will come, that wrong will disappear.
We as Christians hold the key to let Bethlehem’s star still shine.
To let the image of the Prince of Peace, bless us all this Christmas time.

May the Love, Peace and Joy of Christ, be with us all this Christmas.

Published Sat 24th Dec 2016 08:58:18
Last Modified on Sat 24th Dec 2016 08:58:18

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