The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes 8th September 2016

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The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Alison Armitage

Fr. Pat Wall introduced himself to those in attendance by giving a brief history of his life and service to the Diocese of Leeds. The members then introduced themselves to Fr. Pat. Fr. Pat then referred to Sheelagh Pickles to continue the meeting as Chairperson of the
Parish Pastoral Council.

All members are asked to carry on their duties for the remainder of the current year. Everyone agreed to carry on their duties for the next 12 months which is until September 2017. The next changeover of membership of the PPC will be scheduled for January 2018.

Fr. Pat handed a handout of the duties of the Parish Pastoral Council.

Fr. Pat received a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting together with a copy of the points raised at the Listening to and engaging meetings held earlier in the year.

Minutes from previous meeting were read and were agreed to be correct.

Year of Mercy
  • The course based on the film 'Les Miserables' will not be happening.
  • We have the Door of Mercy in each of our churches.
  • Pilgrimage to Ripon Cathedral on the 8 th October. Ben will look into the possibility of hiring a coach. Leaving at 9am and return from Ripon about 3pm. (Action point)
  • Ben is to look at a pilgrimage to Leeds Cathedral. (Action point)

Catholic Alpha Course
Following the attendance at the information session some who attended have enrolled on an Alpha Course which starts on the 12th October at St. George’s Church in Leeds. More feedback at the next meeting.

Summer Gala in Manston Park in June 2017
A meeting took place 7th September.
The gala will happen on 24th June 2017 11.00am – 4.00pm.

  • Theme will be “Yorkshire”. Could the uniform groups be involved? This was
    referred to the Gala committee. Alison is to contact our various groups to see if
    they are interested. (Action point)

Induction of Fr. Pat Wall
Fr. Pat’s induction as Parish Priest by the Dean, Fr. Gerard Kearney, will take place on 7th October at 7pm.

Listening to and engaging with Parishioners
Welcome sign in each church to welcome people to the parish and then the church they are attending. This could be done by the children’s liturgy group in each church. Lisa to create the sign for the parish of Blessed John Henry Newman so this is the same across the parish and then each church’s children liturgy group to create a sign for their church.

People on the fringe of society – Sean has held 2 meetings on the mental health issue. The first well attended but the second meeting only had 4 people present. Deacon Sean has decided not to follow up the drop in meetings. A different meeting was arranged on the 6th September titled ”Time to Talk” for people who will listen to people. Training will be given by The Samaritans. Next meeting will be on 11th October.

Fr. Pat has now met the 3 Head teachers of our schools. Fr. Pat endeavours to meet all the groups within the parish. He hopes to encourage the spirituality of the groups. This will happen over the next 12 months. Traditionally ministries input and spirituality retreats happen during Lent. Philip to contact Alan Robinson & Adrian Strain to put a paper together regarding what they are thinking about for a bereavement group. (Action Point)

Fr. Pat asked when the last census of the parish was taken. This was about 4 years ago. He would like to compare his previous forms used to our forms previously used. This is to be added to the agenda of the next meeting. (Action Point). Josephine Abbey – Philips agreed to collate the action points from each church community to be looked at during future PPC meetings.

As this was the first meeting with the new Parish Priest a snap shot of life in the parish was discussed. Other points from the minutes of the meeting on the 14th July will be raised at the November meeting.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.10pm

Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Josephine Abbey - Philips

Next Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Committee

17th November 7.00pm

Published Tue 4th Oct 2016 15:13:31
Last Modified on Tue 4th Oct 2016 16:09:40

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