A Sad Farewell
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Recently, we have all been enjoying some wonderful sunny days, but soon a little ray of sunshine will be leaving us, as Fr Paul moves on to even greater challenges as the Bishops’ right hand man with the exalted title of “Vicar General.” As a General I’m sure he will be encouraging all his troops to stand behind him in his war against sin. When I spoke to the Bishop a few weeks ago I mentioned that Fr Paul was the ideal priest to be considered for promotion and a few weeks later it all came about, it’s amazing isn’t it? Some time ago I let you all into a little secret that Fr Paul went off to play golf one Sunday instead of saying Mass and scored a “hole in one.” He was ecstatic with joy at this achievement, but looking down from heaven Saint Peter said to God that he should be punished for missing Sunday Mass, God said that he would be punished enough, as he wouldn’t be able to tell anyone that he scored a “hole in one” instead of saying Mass. Before he leaves us, I am going to let you all into another little secret. As you know; Fr Paul has a wonderful singing voice, but not many people know that he once appeared on T.V. he was a contestant on the “X-Factor” show. He appeared under the assumed name of Fred Fisher and impressed the judges with his singing, unfortunately, he didn’t move on to the next stage as they said his choice of music wasn’t commercial enough. I don’t know how they reached this conclusion, as he sang part of the Latin Mass – you can’t please some people can you?
I asked Fr Paul if he could give us a quote for the newsletter as to his own character. He described himself as handsome, dedicated, friendly, prayerful, sincere, a wonderful singer and very modest. Well, I don’t think I could argue with this statement. One final secret, Fr Paul told me that he likes to sing in the shower. I always used to sing in the shower until one morning one of my wife’s carers shouted upstairs asking me to stop, because she said I was frightening the dog – Cheek!
On behalf of all three churches, may I wish Fr Paul all the very best in his new post and ask him to remember us all in his prayers.
“We believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining.”
“We believe in love, even when we can’t feel it.”
“We believe in God, even when He seems to be silent.”
Published Sun 14th Aug 2016 13:14:39
Last Modified on Sun 14th Aug 2016 13:16:10