Are Children Always A Blessing?
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The following little story illustrates how frustrated parents can sometimes become with their “Little Darlings” and how it can affect their behaviour.
This is Geoff’s story;
“I finally decided I’d had enough; the children were loud, irritable, and impossible to live with. I was tired and fed up, although my wife must have felt the same, she seemed able to draw on hidden strengths that I lacked. So what could I do about it? I decided the only thing to do was to run away and have a day just for me, when I could do just what I wanted. Saying goodbye to my understanding wife, I left Leeds, joined the A1 and drove south to my new and exciting life. I found a large shopping centre and had a great time looking round book shops and record shops, then I visited a McDonald’s and ordered two beef burgers, my very own French fries and a large Coke. What bliss, I ate everything without once being interrupted and not having to wipe anyone’s mouth, nose, or bottom. Then I ate the biggest ice cream I could find and drove off to find a cinema. I watched the film without having to buy popcorn, without anyone sitting on my knee and without having to escort anyone to the toilet halfway through the film. I was free at last! I was living it up as I had always dreamed... then I suddenly realised I felt utterly miserable without having my wife and children with me. By the time I returned home, the children were in bed asleep and my wife was sitting up in bed reading. I slipped in beside her and she asked, “Did you have a good day dear?” I gave her a kiss and replied, “Not really, I’ve missed you and the kids an awful lot today” “And do you know, I never ran away from home ever again.”
I do love telling a story with a happy ending – don’t you?
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help to create the fact.”
Published Sat 25th Jun 2016 23:01:54
Last Modified on Sat 25th Jun 2016 23:01:54