The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Triumph Of The Cross.

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Whether we are successful in our world today is measured by greater status, bigger houses, bigger cars and fatter bank accounts. But true happiness must surely lie elsewhere in our lives.

The example set by Christ to all of us, was to sacrifice himself in love and then be raised up in new life by his Father. The triumph of the Cross is a triumph of love and we all share in this mighty triumph. “There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.” We hold on to these memorable words of Jesus, for we believe that we are the “friends” he died for.

The glorious mystery of Easter is that Jesus stretched out his hands on the Cross as wide as he could and declared in his dying, “I love you all this much.”

A simple Cross of simple wood
Upon a hilltop silent stood
And on the cross, a simple man
Was crucified..... it was God’s plan.

Yet standing here on Easter morn
While watching such a perfect dawn
That simple Cross just seems to me
A symbol of eternity.

“May the risen Lord open our eyes, that we may all know

Published Sat 26th Mar 2016 12:29:48
Last Modified on Sat 26th Mar 2016 12:30:26

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