The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 17th March 2016

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Meeting was chaired by Sheelagh Pickles (The Chair).
The meeting started with a Prayer prepared by Marion Waller.
Apologies from Sheila Kennedy, Josephine Abby Philips, Sr. Nora and Lisa Valentine-Jonsson
Guest speaker Rachel Walker from Growing Old Gracefully

Minutes from previous meeting were read and were agreed to be correct.

  • Target the children and ask them to complete a questionnaire about what they want - To be arranged by Fr Emmanuel and Josephine Abby Phillips.
    A questionnaire has been produced and circulated to the meeting. This is to be handed to the school children at Corpus Christi College
    One question asking the children if they came to Mass. This needs to be broken down into tick boxes. The PPC then went through the questions and gave advice on how the handout could be more user friendly for those it is intended i.e. secondary school.
    Overall the questionnaire was well received.
    Corpus Christi College are having a Mission starting 16th April. This could be a good start to hand this out.
    Action: Fr Emmanuel is to meet with Josephine and hopefully to the have this out and results returned by the next PPC meeting.
  • Pilgrimage Guide around our churches during the Year of Mercy - Report back from Alison Armitage - Ben Science - Marion Waller.
    The art work has been well received at St Theresa’s primary school but no representative from Corpus Christi primary school was present at the Youth & Family meeting due to an over run previous meeting. Fr Emmanuel will speak with the CC primary school and make them aware.
    Action: This to be returned to the Youth & Family meeting for further action.

Youth & Family Ministry Update from Patrick Bradley

  • Fr Paul to prepare a course which he could run. This will be based on the film 'Les Miserables'. First week you watch the film at which you identify 5 characters and then discuss a different character each week over a 5 week period. It was agreed this would be accepted by many in the parish.
  • Another possibility Fr Paul mentioned would be 6 sessions on “Prayer”
  • Both of these would take place after Easter.
  • Another pilgrimage could be to our own Cathedral. This needs to be booked with Mgr. Philip Moger. There is a Year of Mercy Door which you would pass through and then hold a reconciliation service in the Cathedral. This to be organised with our own clergy.
    Action: Fr Paul & Ben Science meet and arrange this.

Listening to and engaging with Parishioners

The 3 dates for the meetings are Corpus Christi 21st April St Gregory’s 12th May St Theresa’s 9th June.
Sheelagh Pickles - Deacon Sean - Fr Paul have met to discuss the format of the meetings.
Deacon Sean will introduce the meeting at each church and people will meet in pairs to answer three questions focussing on how we can contribute to the development of our parish to better serve the mission of the church, before feeding back to the whole group. Then 2 or 3 points will be chosen from each meeting to take to the PPC where they will be prioritised for action.

Delegates who represent the church on the PPC are to request someone to provide refreshments prior to the meeting.
It is important that a meeting takes place in each of the churches but parishioners can attend any meeting. The reason for the meeting is to discuss “The Parish” NOT the church were the meeting will be held.
People who put suggestions forward are also to be encouraged to put the actions into place and be involved.
From the actions that are taken back to the PPC from the 3 meetings, 2 or 3 will be chosen to take forward initially with the others to be looked at later. More details on the bulletin after Easter.

Catholic Alpha Course

Fr Paul has been approached about piloting this course in the parish. From his understanding it is a pre Journey in Faith course. Fr Paul has said he is interested and awaits more details of what is needed.

Fr Paul’s Jubilee week - Keep your diary free for

Sunday 10 th July BBQ
Monday 11 th July Birthday
Wednesday 13th July 25th Anniversary
Friday 15th July Concelebrated Mass followed by Faith Supper

Guest Speaker Rachel Walker - Growing old Gracefully Project - Dementia Friendly Parish

Rachel is the only part-time worker for Growing old Gracefully.
Mgr. Peter Rosser suggested he contact this parish as we are a very lively parish.
Rachel has been trained to understand dementia and is a Dementia Champion.
Being involved in being a Dementia Friendly parish is to have an action plan. This involves awareness training, improving notices, SVP, Minnie Vinnies, Welcomers at Church. Understanding key issues of those living with dementia.
Before actions can be taken we need to make the parish more aware of what this involves.
More information on what is needed requires to be arranged for all interested parishioners to come along to a 45 minutes / 1 hour meeting. A meeting has been arranged at Corpus Christi on May 18 th May at 7pm for Rachel to give a presentation to the parish.


African / Caribbean choir meets for the first time on Sunday 20th March. Further report next meeting.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 8.53pm
Prayers for the next meeting will be prepared by Ben Science

Next Meeting
19th May 7.00pm

Published Mon 21st Mar 2016 10:22:54
Last Modified on Mon 21st Mar 2016 10:25:37

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