Xpedition Xgates
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Back for the third year running Xpedition Xgates was a real hit again this summer!

The annual event at St. James’, Crossgates Methodist and Christ Church (Manston) in the school holidays saw more children than ever attend. The theme this year was the Parables of Jesus and covered the Good Samaritan, the Lost Coin and the Talents.
Lots of fun was had by all and we saw a number of children returning from previous years with nearly 60 children aged 2-10 years enjoying 3 afternoons of fun.

Beginning with a series of “free flow” craft activities and games, the day concluded with a short “celebration” in church for a story, a song and some prayers.
This mission week began in 2013 in response to The Announce team coming to the Parish and it would be really great to have BJHN Parish represented at Xmas Xpedition which is planned for December 2015.
If you would be willing to get involved, please get in touch with
Karen Gray 07985 035125, karen@connectingcrossgates.com.
Published Tue 10th Nov 2015 18:14:03
Last Modified on Tue 10th Nov 2015 20:23:43