The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Church Cleaning in the Parish

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The cleaning of the three churches is carried out on a voluntary basis.

Those involved with CORPUS CHRISTI attend every three weeks or so on a Wednesday; ST GREGORY'S is cleaned every Friday - generally by the same people whilst at ST THERESA'S there are four small teams working in a rota basis with three operating on Fridays and one on a Thursday.

All churches welcome new volunteers but certainly CORPUS CHRISTI is in a more desperate need.This service to the churches and parishioners is not always fully appreciated but nonetheless, there is a good rapport between
those taking part.

If you wish to become involved make contact with -
Corpus Christi - Peggy Nolan 2250307
St Gregory's - Carmel Diamond 2732992
St Theresa's - Annn Smith 2642205

Just recently, following the extensive electrical work at St Theresa's, an appeal was made for additional help to deep clean the church. The response was excellent with about 20 parishioners attending. Photographs of the event are shown.

Published Wed 16th Sep 2015 11:55:03
Last Modified on Wed 16th Sep 2015 11:55:03

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