The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


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As many of you will know, Rob Marris MP is trying to legalise assisted suicide. We have only until the 21 July to lobby MPs against Marris’ ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill before the Parliamentary summer break begins. This is therefore extremely urgent.

This battle will be won or lost in constituencies - many MPs we have spoken to are saying that they will “see what their constituents have to say” before making up their minds. The more your MP realises that there is opposition in their constituency, the more likely they will be to vote against. It really is essential that you do all you can to influence their decision. You really will make a difference.

Please could you: Make contact with your MP using this tool or, you can also use this link

Our Leeds East MP is Richard Burgon, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Say that you would like them to oppose the Bill (some helpful evidence-based arguments are available at or on the leaflets in the church porch) Say that you would like them to turn up on Friday September to 11th to vote against the Bill. Crucially, we then need you to let us know the results of your efforts. We need this intelligence as it helps us to calculate whether or not we can win the vote. If you can organise some of your friends to do the same, we will be in a much stronger position when the vote comes around. We will do all we can in Parliament, but this really is in your hands. We are relying on you to stop this Bill.

With gratitude for all you have done and will do to protect human dignity.

From All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group

Published Wed 15th Jul 2015 09:06:24
Last Modified on Wed 15th Jul 2015 09:22:25

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