The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week ~ 5 April 2015

Read 1627 Times
First Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43

This reading from Acts is part of the sermon which Peter delivers in the house of Cornelius. Peter has received a vision at Jaffa and assurance from the Spirit that he must go to the house of Cornelius and preach. Peter
encapsulates the mission of Jesus in a few short verses.
But it is not enough to sit and listen to the good news, disciples must testify to Jesus as the one chosen by God.

Second Reading: Colossians 3: 1-4

Continuing the theme from the First Reading, Paul challenges his readers to set their minds on higher things, to live as if they have been raised with Christ. To set goals is a good way to find the motivation to succeed.
What greater motivation can there be than to be raised to eternal life? Paul encourages us to set that as our goal, and to live accordingly.

Gospel Reading: John 20: 1-9

There is almost an element of comedy running through this reading, yet at its heart lies the deep faith that Peter and the beloved disciples held in Jesus. When Mary Magdalene ran back from the tomb, it would have been easy to dismiss her story as crazy talk, yet something stirred in the disciples and they set off running for the tomb. In deference to seniority, the younger disciple waits for Peter to catch up and lets him enter the tomb first. When they are in the tomb, they see, and believe, key motifs in John. Their faith has been rewarded; the empty tomb is proof that Jesus has been raised from the dead.

Published Tue 7th Apr 2015 12:01:30
Last Modified on Tue 7th Apr 2015 12:01:30

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