Family & Youth Group
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How do we as a Parish do more for our Families and Youth
The Family and youth group started in September 2014. The aim of the meeting is to start a Parish Family / Youth group which meets on a regular basis to raise and action ideas to help support the further development of our Parish Family / Youth ministry. The meeting would covers all aspects of Family / Youth ministry from Baptism to adulthood. Although this is a wide scope the expectation is even if we only make a few small steps or focus on one area, meeting on regular basis will help build momentum in understanding and developing the needs of the Parish Family & Youth.
The meetings are well attended and there are lots of ideas and enthusiasm. Areas that we are intending to work on are
Reception class children eg ideas on how the parish can connect, engage with families who's children are starting this important stage of their lives.
Children's masses / children's liturgy, eg how do be build on this strong area, what support is required, materials? workshop? volunteers?
First Holy communion, follow on,not to duplicate the work of the catechists. What are the opportunities for the Parish to reconnect, engage with families so that they have greater ongoing connection with the parish
Confirmation - again not to duplicate the role of the catechist, but what do we as a parish do to help teenagers feel part of the parish community
Youth council - time to consider and plan what are next steps in setting up a youth council.
Contact - Patrick Bradley
Phone 0113 2253763
Published Mon 2nd Mar 2015 21:57:24
Last Modified on Fri 20th Mar 2015 11:47:53