The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Children’s Masses

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These masses are led by the children of the parish by welcoming, reading, processing, serving and singing. The priest focuses the mass and the homily towards children and families.

Masses are advertised through Corpus Christi and St Theresa’s primary schools and the parish bulletin.

They are usually followed by refreshments, quiz and arts/crafts for families to meet and socialise.

We aim for at least one mass per school term.

Dates of coming Children’s Masses
Sunday 15th March, Mother’s Day Lenten Mass, 10.30am at Corpus Christi Church
Sunday 22nd March, Lenten Mass, 9.15am at St Gregory’s Church.

There will be a personal invitation sent to all our First Holy Communion children and their families from the priests of our parish to attend these masses.

Come along, all ages welcome!

Mary Bradley 2253763/

Published Mon 2nd Mar 2015 21:55:18
Last Modified on Fri 20th Mar 2015 11:48:30

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