Sunday Coffee Mornings
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Coffee Mornings at St Theresa's
The Sunday coffee mornings take place each week
after the 08:15 am and 10:15 am Masses at St Theresa's, in the Newman Lounge.
It is a time for getting together with old friends and also making new ones. The
price of drinks and biscuits are donation-only, and any money we make goes to various charities such as:
- Aid to the Church in Need
- International Refugee Trust
- Simon Community
Money made also goes to others from time to time. We have also recently been given £150 from an anonymous donor.
We have teams who get things ready making the tea and coffee early before the 08:15 am Mass, and then the 10:15 am teams clear away afterwards.
In recent years, our numbers of volunteers have fallen due to illnesses or them moving. Therefore, we urgently ask for new volunteers if we are to continue providing this service.
Our Co-ordinators are Elizabeth Cumiskey for the 09:15 am Mass and Tony Pickles for the 10:15 am Mass. Please come in and see us after either of the two morning Masses, and just relax, or volunteer if you feel you are able to!
Tea and Coffee at Corpus Christi
Teas and coffees are served at Corpus Christi every last Sunday of the month,
after the 10:30 am Mass, in the Chapel at the rear of the Sacristy. All are welcome.
Published Thu 12th Feb 2015 23:11:48
Last Modified on Mon 7th Sep 2015 07:24:45