The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

St. Gregory's Credit Union Ltd.

The Credit Union Office
The Presbytery
Swarcliffe Drive
LS14 5AW

Mobile: 07761 081 338

Alternative Contact - Stephen Adkin:
Telephone: (0113) 294 3748

FSA Registration Number: 411C

What is a Credit Union?

Credit Unions are Not-For-Profit Co-operatives that offer ethical financial services like Savings Accounts, Loans and Insurance to local people. They are a form of community banking that offers low-interest rate loans to its members and returns a proportion of any surplus to back to them as an Interest Dividend. Credit Unions are owned and are democratically controlled by its members.

St. Gregory's Credit Union Ltd., operates under a common bond (a reason for existence) to embrace all the Catholic Church communities within the East Leeds Deanery and is in its 20th year of operation.

The Credit Union is a financial co-operative and membership is open to anyone residing in the Parish Community of Blessed John Henry Newman, comprising of the Churches at St.Gregory's, St.Theresa's and Corpus Christi, and also within the locality of the East Leeds postcodes.

St. Gregory's Credit Union Ltd., allows its members to make deposits of savings to build up an Individual Member Savings Account, starting from £1 up to a maximum limit of £15,000, and have access to a Loans Facility. Member's funds can be accessed at any time.

Opening Times

For collections from members.

St. Gregory's: After the 06:30 pm Saturday night Mass and the 09:15 am Sunday morning Mass
St. Theresa's: Between the 08:15 am and 10:15 am Sunday morning Masses
New (with effect from 19th January) - St Theresa's Retirement Club: 01:30 pm to 02:00 pm

The Credit Union Office is open from 09:30 am to 10:30 am every Tuesday morning for financial administration and any members' personal contact. (To get in touch, see contact details above.)

'...St. Gregory's Credit Union is working for you...'

Last Modifed on Sat 8th Dec 2018 16:34:13

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