The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Christmas Tree.

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Many of us will be taking down our Christmas trees and decorations over the next few days and placing them carefully in their boxes ready for next year. But before we leave Christmas for another year, I have one last story to tell you. On Christmas Eve Fr Paul, having sent all his letters to Santa was busy decorating his Christmas tree adding the final touch with a star on the top, when he suddenly wondered why some people use a fairy on their tree. After Mass on Christmas day he asked me if I knew where this tradition came from, I didn't know but I promised to find out. After much research I have finally discovered the truth of this tradition.

Early on the morning of Christmas Eve, Santa was enjoying his cornflakes when his mobile rang and four of his elves rang in sick, he organised some replacements but he knew that they wouldn't be as fast at wrapping the presents as his regular team

and so he began to feel under pressure. Finishing his breakfast, he went to the barn to harness the reindeer, only to find that they had all escaped into a nearby field with the exception of Rudolph who was in his stall with his red nose shining in the dim morning light. An hour later with the help of some of the elves Santa had managed to round up the reindeer and harness them to the sleigh and the elves started to fill it with presents, when there was a loud crack and the bottom fell out of the sleigh, spilling presents all over. So it was over to the barn for some wood to mend it and then pile the presents back on top.

Santa went into the kitchen to wash his hands, when Mrs Claus announced that her mother was coming to stay over Christmas, which really stressed Santa out. He opened the cupboard and took out a 12 yrs old malt whisky he had been saving, but as he reached for a glass it fell onto the kitchen floor and smashed into small pieces. Opening the pantry door he brought out a sweeping brush, the head of which promptly came off and fell on the floor. Reaching for a dustpan and brush Santa knelt on the floor sweeping the glass up, with the fumes of his beloved whisky wafting up his nose. Just then, the doorbell rang and an irritated Santa opened the door to find a fairy holding a large Christmas tree on his doorstep.

The fairy announced in a cheerful voice, “Merry Christmas Santa isn't it a lovely day? I have brought you this beautiful tree. Santa lifted the fairy and placed her on the Christmas tree. And so began this ancient tradition of the fairy on top of the Christmas tree.....

Published Sun 4th Jan 2015 14:12:25

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