The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week ~ 26 October 2014

Read 1524 Times
First Reading: Ezekiel 22:20-28

This reading comes from what is known as the covenant code that lays down the conditions of the covenant for Israel and reveals the human nature of the Israelite law codes. It advocates being especially attentive to those
within the community who are most vulnerable, defenceless or disadvantaged in any way – foreigner, the widow, the orphan, the poor. The motivation given is that the Israelites themselves were once resident aliens in Egypt
and knew the hardship that this life entailed.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

Paul recalls the route taken by the early missionaries. The Good News was effectively spread by the witness of a Christian lifestyle. This process began with Paul himself and his companions. It has such an extraordinary effect that countless people converted from paganism and in their turn made a comparable impact on the lives of others. So much so, that their reputation had spread far and wide. It seems that the love at the centre of the Christian message is contagious enabling the reign of God to spread.

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:34.40

The Gospel reminds us that the only proper response to a loving and compassionate God is to love him with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves. This in a nutshell is what Christianity is all about. That is why there is something terribly askew about the lives of those who claim to love God, but dispense themselves from all obligations towards their neighbour. On the other hand, there are those who exhaust themselves in working for a better world, but they never think of God or pray to him. Jesus showed us how to live the total Gospel – how to love God and neighbour as well. He didn’t say they were the same thing, but that we, who call ourselves Christians, can’t have one without the other.

Published Fri 24th Oct 2014 11:33:16

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